Amalgam Comics: Marvel Comics # 12- Thorion of the New Asgods
Ragnarok ravages Asgard. Forces attack Odin One-Eye and Asgard is defended by Thorion (Thor and DC’s Orion)
Thanoseid gives L’ok D’saad the Cube to use against Thorion. L’ok is an amalgamation of Loki and DC’s Desaad
Using the Cube, L’ok wakes the four sleeping giants on the asteroid of Ego-Mass- Ymir, Surtur, Kalibak, and Mangog
Thorion uses a massive attack against the giants and the resulting aftermath fused the energies of his Astro-Force with the Infinity Essence from the Cube to grant him new power as well as a body from the remains of the giants and ship and armor from Ego-Mass. Thorion has become a Celestial