Ponder the mysteries

Events of 616

Wolverine Origins 1- Born in Blood

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  • Wolverine infiltrates the White House and threatens the Secretary of State knowing she was involved in the Weapon X program 

  • She is silenced by a robot called a Shiva sent by Weapon X

  • The origin of Logan’s seemingly random vendetta stems from him regaining his memories from before the Weapon X incident due to the House of M events. Now that he knows what he was put through, he’s set to find out who manipulated him all these years

  • The U.S embassy in Santiago, Chile, dispatches Nuke to take care of Wolverine

  • Logan remembers torturing Frank Simpson (Nuke) during the Vietnam War as an operative of Team X. He sliced his forehead and pierced holes on it intending to represent the American flag as blood dripped down his face. Logan brainwashed men in the war and conditioned them to do very immoral things

  • In the present, Logan meets Nuke in Vietnam where a fight goes down. He recalls when Nuke was just a boy and finding him in his house alone with a murdered mother at the prompts of his babysitter who Logan shot with Nuke’s father’s gun while disguised as a policeman. This was followed by Nuke’s father committing suicide 

  • As Logan is about to mercy-kill him with the Muramasa blade, Captain America intervenes who states he was personally requested by the President to step in. They fight

  • Cap crushes Logan’s forearm tendons to prevent him from unsheathing his claws. Logan in return gives Captain America a hematoma on his leg

  • With the Muramasa disabled from his grasp, Cap uses it to hold Logan at swordpoint

  • Cyclops, Emma Frost, and Hellion arrive, and Wolverine and Cap fight again with Wolverine going into a berserker mode. Emma stops Wolverine and tells him that he has a son and the same person who manipulated Logan is now manipulating his son

  • Logan knows he’ll have to face his son eventually and gives the Muramasa to Cyclops because he will not use it on his son and if Weapon X or whoever is pulling the strings gets to him (Wolverine), he wants Cyclops to cut him down. He tells Emma to help Nuke