Ponder the mysteries

Events of 616

Civil War- Captain America/Iron Man

  • Sharon Carter expresses her conflicting feelings about Captain America opposing the registration act and her feelings for him to a shrink

  • She knows that as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent she needs to follow orders and was supposed to set Steve up in a trap in a meeting but she gave the strike team the wrong address 

  • She was hoping she could persuade him to switch sides and would’ve sent a signal to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Cape-Killer team if it failed but couldn’t because she loves Steve

  • The shrink is actually a man in disguise named Dr. Faustus who is colluding with Red Skull and are manipulating Sharon

  • Red Skull schemes something with Doctor Doom

  • Maria Hill, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., considers Sharon’s insubordination a one-time offense and reassigns her to hunt Nick Fury

  • We next see Skull scheming with Arnim Zola

  • Captain America and Iron Man meet secretly at the former Avengers Mansion

  • They blame each other- Stark says that those on Steve’s side don’t want to let the greatest superhero down and Steve says Stark is manipulating and taking advantage of people by offering them benefits as well playing father-figure for Spiderman

  • Steve says everything has been about what Tony wants and Tony says Steve is the perfect person, always fighting harder when the going gets tough

  • Tony reveals that if the Registration Act isn’t implemented, Project Wideawake is the contingency plan where Sentinels forcibly implant inhibitor chips to cancel abilities and genetic testing is done on everybody so the government can control and monitor any potential superhumans before they’re even born

  • Tony asks Steve what he can do to stop it and Steve asks him to join him but even if Tony wanted to but doesn’t because he believes in pro-reg, Hank Pym or Reed Richards would just take over 

  • Tony asks Steve to join his side but Steve knows he’d just be imprisoned

  • After a tense sparring match/fight, they agree they can’t resolve their differences and go their separate ways

  • Stark gives a podcast about the tragedy of Stamford and expresses how registration is necessary because the public no longer trusts superheroes

  • Tony feels at odds with himself whether he’s supporting the right side but feels conviction

  • Tony feels that because he has no powers, who is he to represent government legislation but Happy Hogan tells him he’s a regular Joe AND a super which builds confidence again

  • The Spymaster hospitalizes Happy but Happy manages to crush his throat 

  • Pepper asks Tony to euthanize Happy which he will not do

  • Tony and Steve Rogers parley and Tony is ambushed by Spiderman, Luke Cage, and Silhouette who were not given orders to attack but Tony deals with them swiftly as Iron Man and leaves

  • Tony and Sue Storm have an altercation when she blames him for ruining her marriage with Reed Richards because Reed wants to impress Tony

  • Happy dies

  • Tony confesses to a dead Steve Rogers that he knew when superhero activity would blow up but just didn’t know how

  • He confesses that he fully committed to pro-reg because someone had to and he absolutely feels it was the right thing to do

  • He lastly confesses that although he feels it was the right thing, it wasn’t worth it

  • From Cap’s point of view when he is incarcerated after surrendering, he tells Iron Man that he stood up for his principles while Tony only knows compromise

  • He’s angry with Tony for agreeing with and condoning, promoting and representing the Registration Act and asks him if it was worth it

  • Iron Man calls Captain America a sore loser after his surrender to which the latter responds you bet