Ponder the mysteries

Events of 9602

Marvel vs DC # 3

  • Jubilee records everything that’s happening 

  • Quicksilver loses to Flash

  • Jubilee has to fight Robin and instantly has a crush on him. She loses

  • Kyle Rayner loses to Silver Surfer

  • Catwoman loses to Elektra

  • Ben asks Lois Lane on a date who turns him down after revealing she’s engaged to Clark Kent

  • The vagabond explains to Axel that he’s (the vagabond) the keeper of the gateway and has chosen to make it look like a box and only disguises himself as a homeless man

  • He tells Axel that he is the next Keeper and needs to become the Access. It is Axel’s duty to preserve balance between the two universes

  • Wolverine and Lobo scrap

  • Storm overwhelms Wonder Woman with electricity and lightning 

  • Spiderman defeats Superboy by dodging out of the way with Superboy flying into an electric generator

  • After much thrashing and fist-punching, Superman wins against Hulk

  • Batman and Captain America are evenly matched and Batman wins on a technicality after the sewers they’re fighting in flood and nearly drowns Captain America until Batman saves him

  • It is too late as the Red and Blue ones merge and create the Amalgam Universe