Ponder the mysteries

Events of 9602

Marvel vs DC # 1

  • Spiderman (Ben Reilly) is swinging through NYC when he notices a box glowing in an alley and a light coming from the box that makes him disappear when it touches him

  • Takes place concurrently with the Clone Saga Part 2 of Universe-616

  • Another man stumbles upon the alley and a man who’s there with the box tells him it’s already beginning and asks for his help to which the first man assumes he’s crazy and continues on his way

  • Ben ends up in Gotham City and meets Joker. While Juggernaut is battling the X-Men, he’s teleported to Metropolis where he gets socked by Superman

  • The man with the glowing box is trying to stop some sort of crossover but is unable to 

  • Individuals like Captain America, Wonder Woman, Hulk, Superboy, Lobo, Wolverine, Gambit, Storm, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Elektra, Flash (Barry Allen), Thor, Aquaman, Silver Surfer, Shazam, Namor, Quicksilver, and Catwoman are teleported to opposite universes

  • Bullseye ends up inside the Batcave and takes Robin (Tim Drake) hostage. He manages to free himself after which Batman throws a Batarang that Bullseye catches. Bullseye attempts to pierce Batman with the Batarang who easily dodges it which is impossible for any normal human. Batman K.Os Bullseye with one punch after which Bullseye tells him he punches harder than Daredevil

  • All of a sudden Robin is teleported into Jubilee’s room at the X-mansion

  • J Jonah Jameson has forced Perry White out after being teleported into the Daily Planet in Metropolis

  • Clark Kent looks at a photo of Steel battling Absorbing Man in D.C.. He reports on disappearances and appearances of new characters in his universe such as Green Lantern battling Green Goblin, Bane vs Captain America, Riddler vs Daredevil, Batman vs Venom, Shazam vs Doc Doom, Deathstroke vs Punisher; misunderstandings like Martian Manhunter vs Thing; and friendships like Hawkman and Archangel and Supergirl and She-Hulk 

  • Ben takes a photo of himself as Spiderman battling Man-Bat to the Daily Planet where Clark is impressed and suggests that maybe the two of them can figure out what’s going on

  • The Spectre of the DC universe and the Living Tribunal of the Marvel universe both realize something is wrong. The next page shows two enormously colossal cosmic beings reaching out to each other, one red, the other blue