Ponder the mysteries

Events of 616

Wolverine Vol 1

  • Original Wolverine solo limited series consisting of 4 issues published monthly from September to December 1982

  • Wolverine discovers his lover Mariko is now married to man named Noburo-Hideki by the will of her father Lord Shingen

  • After coming to terms with it, Logan is attacked with poisoned shuriken by Shingen’s men. Shingen then challenges to a kenjutsu duel with bokkan and easily humiliates and defeats Logan

  • Kicked onto the street, Logan is found by a woman named Yukio who are both then attacked by the Hand but Wolverine swiftly deals with all of them. Yukio tells Wolverine that a powerful crime lord sent them

  • Yukio is revealed to be an assassin for Shingen and the attack by the Hand was supposed to make Yukio look vulnerable and earn Wolverine’s sympathy as he is Shingen’s target. Shingen gives Yukio another target, Katsuyori, a competing crime boss, after which Yukio is to eliminate Wolverine 

  • Yukio lies to Logan that Katsuyori is responsible for the Hand attack prompting him to help her take him down

  • At a meeting with Katsuyori, where Noburu and Mariko represent Shingen, the former attempts to kill them both but fails. As Katsuyori and his wife flee and get into his car, Yukio detonates it

  • Mariko is disgusted at the way Logan sliced up Katsuyori`s men and says not a word to him as she departs. Yukio glees as she has no competition for Wolverine now

  • The Hand comes for Yukio who failed to off Wolverine and easily deals with them. She then kills a cop on her tail named Asano who was Logan`s friend

  • Logan awakens from a nap and finds Asano dead and realizes Yukio is meant to kill him and it was her shuriken that pierced him before dueling Shingen

  • Both Logan and Yukio confront Shingen in his minka, the former to take him down, the latter to defect

  • Yukio kills Noburo, saving Mariko`s life, a debt which Logan cannot pay and so lets Yukio live

  • Logan battles Shingen again and kills him this time. Mariko grants him the Honor Sword of Clan Yashida, which belonged to her father, for taking down someone unworthy of the sword and clan

  • Mariko and Wolverine become engaged and send a wedding invitation to the X-Men