Ponder the mysteries

Events of 616

Wolverine Origins 3- Swift and Terrible

  • Wolverine is freed from S.H.I.E.L.D.’s custody due to his son’s intervention and finds a disguise waiting for him so he can sneak out

  • Elsewhere, a man with the mentality of a child is possessed by an entity that goes by Silas Burr aka Cyber. The man (Milo) is very large in stature and so Cyber manipulates him in snapping his father’s neck

  • In Logan’s hotel room in Magdeburg, Germany, Logan figures it was his son who assisted him so he can take revenge on Logan on his own terms 

  • Cyber meets with Tinkerer and tells him how he got to be where he is now- after being imprisoned by S.H.I.E.L.D., he supplied information in exchange for his freedom but someone did not want that so they sent cyber-wasps that consumed Silas’ flesh. Using his telepathic powers, Silas then possessed Milo

  • Cyber requests something of Tinkerer that requires liquid adamantium of which Cyber tells him he will obtain it from a brain trust in the Netherlands and to next meet him in Brussels, Belgium in one day

  • Logan and his son travel to Belgium at the same time (but not together) as Cyber calls the son anonymously 

  • Logan breaks into a bank once in Belgium where the c-synth is stored and is surprised by his son who’s already there

  • The two fight as the son puts Wolverine into a berserker rage and dodges all of Logan’s attacks as he’s much faster. After Wolverine taunts him and calls him a kid, his son reveals his name to be Daken

  • Daken wonders what Logan is doing there when Cyber appears, now with adamantium arms and body armor. Cyber wants to know why Daken’s master wanted him dead

  • As Wolverine fights Cyber, Daken leaves. Cyber claims he’ll follow him after thrashing Wolverine around like a rag doll. Unexpectedly he has a heart attack from Milo’s body

  • Wolverine offers to let Cyber live if he expounds what he knows

  • Cyber relays a story of when he was taken up to Canada from Iowa by Sabretooth to meet Victor Hudson (half-brother to James Hudson (Vindicator) ) where he kept Logan in line by murdering a woman named Janet akin to Sabretooth and Janice 

  • Elsewhere, Daken is reprimanded and punished for going after Wolverine whom his master wants alive for the moment

  • Wolverine keeps to his word and has Tinkerer place a carbonadium pacemaker in Cyber’s chest to keep him alive which Cyber knows he did that because carbonadium slowly poisons the body 

  • Logan throws the c-synth in a river and places 3 carbonadium bullets in a big locker for Bucky Barnes with a note saying who they’re for and when