Ponder the mysteries

Events of 616

Weapon X Unbound

  • The follow-up story to Weapon X

  • Wolverine is in Madripoor and has flashbacks about the first time he and Sabretooth scrapped

  • Sabretooth had always hated Logan for reasons unknown and always been taking what was his until the last straw when Sabretooth murdered Logan’s girlfriend Silver Fox

  • Sabretooth’s grudge against Wolverine is revealed in Wolverine: Origin

  • Sabretooth beats the living daylights out of Wolverine and begins a tradition of beating Logan to within an inch of his life every birthday

  • In the present day, Logan finds two thugs hanging by their necks in his apartment and finds a birthday card from Sabretooth saying nobody kills Logan except him

  • Logan is being pulled ashore by a cyborg named Elsie-Die. She is a creation by Donald Pierce who was designed to murder Logan but went against it 

  • Logan and Elsie-Die had just swam out of a sunken stealth bomber that was attacked by missiles. Logan had been fighting a clone cyborg named Albert who did not make it

  • An unconscious Logan snaps back to reality by shouting the name of Silver Fox. He has flashbacks of her again and stumbles throughout the sewers

  • Sabretooth, who also happens to be in the same sewers attacks Logan as they are then hit by a flash flood caused by Masque and his Morlocks

  • As Elsie-Die is looking for help she bumps into Cable who is hunting Sabretooth

  • Sabretooth claims to be Logan’s father which he does not believe 

  • Logan’s clone Albert is revealed to still be alive

  • Logan remembers having a dog long ago with Silver Fox and having to put it down

  • He encounters a criminal who murdered two people, sent his own mother to the hospital, and nearly hit-and-runs two children belonging to a police officer

  • The delinquent is shot dead after he attempted to run over Logan while Logan is on his motorbike because Logan noticed bike handlebars on his grill 

  • Logan and Jubilee visit the facility where Weapon X happened as Logan feels pulled towards it. He has fragments of memories about what happened there

  • Weapon X placed fake memory implants in Wolverine that make him unable to discern truth from deceit

  • Logan has Jean and Professor X construct a mental memory construct associated with the fragments of his past life so he can find out what they mean

  • Logan experiences another implanted implanted memory where he is working alongside Sabretooth and Mastodon and Silver Fox for the C.I.A. in Cuba and realizes Sabretooth could not have murdered Silver Fox because she is there

  • Logan tries to convince himself that some of these memory spurts that have been happening recently must be real

  • Jean and Prof X bring Logan back from the subconscious memory matrix to actual reality in fear that he may go mad if he stays there any longer

  • Dr. Hines contacts Professor Thornton concerned that Logan is overriding his programming but Thornton assures her that all his memories will lead to Shiva who is meant to end Wolverine

  • Wolverine busts onto a S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier and demands Fury to get in contact with the C.I.A. because Logan knows about the Cuban operation from 1963 and wants his dossier

  • The NSA (National Security Agency) provides the dossier to Logan who notices the name of Andre Thornton who works in the Department of Agriculture in the Pest Control Section

  • A third anonymous party receives a flag that both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Agriculture Department have been monitoring the dossier. The third party is a Hydra figure

  • Logan goes to the White House to confront Thornton and Hines and is unsuccessful but promises to deal with them legally

  • Wolverine has the X-men take him to Windsor, Ontario where Hines and Thornton also go to but also the shadowy Hydra person and some men

  • Logan finds a stage set depicting all the memories he’s been having lately including the Cuba operation and the saloon where he and Sabretooth first fought

  • Wolverine takes a key that he found at the Weapon X facility to unlock a door in the Windsor warehouse 

  • The Shiva assassin is activated once the door is opened and the battle is on. Shiva is a program which utilizes tough avatar bodies and once one is destroyed, another is used, having learned from its previous encounter 

  • The Hydra figure sneaks behind Hines and knocks her out and holds Thornton at gunpoint. The figure is revealed to be Silver Fox

  • Shiva overwhelms Logan by using electronic impulses that activate the memory implants. He manages to overcome it and destroy Shiva again

  • Silver Fox shoots Thornton dead as Jean, Cyclops, Prof X, and Jubilee hear a scream and find Hines shocked and Thornton’s hand on the computer commanding Shiva to go after its next target- Sabretooth. They also find Wolverine and fear he’s changed

  • Wolverine, Jubilee, and Gambit take a flight to Tokyo

  • Tsuruyaba Matsuo contacts Mariko Yashida, concerned that Logan will be a nuisance which Mariko assures him he will not be. Matsuo dispatches a poisoner for Jubilee and has a contingency plan for Logan

  • Sunfire arrives to assist Gambit and Logan who have been taken into custody. The poisoner Reiko attacks Jubilee 

  • The reason why Logan and Gambit are detained is due to a crate imported in Logan’s name which was brought in by Matsuo and Donald Pierce working together and containing an assassin within named Cylla

  • Reiko spares Jubilee because Wolverine, who she knows as Patch/Logan spared her life once. She betrays The Hand and Matsuo who is the High Ninja

  • Cylla retreats as the police station crumbles after unleashing a powerful blast to wipe out Hand ninjas. Logan is focused on just finding Jubilee

  • Jubilee meets Yukio and together make plans to go back to the police station to help him

  • Reiko is sold out to Hydra by another freelancer. Silver Fox meets her and tells her she needs a poisoner of her skill

  • Jubilee and Yukio keep a close eye on Matsuo

  • Logan approaches the Yashida clan

  • Matsuo wants a takeover of the Yashida clan to further accumulate power for The Hand but Mariko will not have it so long as she is clan leader

  • Matsuo attacks the Shingen (Mariko’s father) house. Silver Fox approaches him with Reiko hostage

  • Mariko offers Logan his old suit (brown and yellow, currently wears the blue and yellow), so he may honor the clan 

  • Silver Fox and Matsuo send Reiko in to kill Mariko. Reiko who is indebted to Wolverine does not know about his and Mariko’s engagement

  • Cylla returns and attacks Yukio and Jubilee. Wolverine confronts her 

  • Reiko makes it through Shingen’s labyrinth and delivers Matsuo’s proposition to Mariko- a buyout of Yashida’s underworld holdings at a fair price in return for a dismembered finger from Mariko

  • Once Mariko draws blood from her pinky she screams in pain as blowfish toxin travels throughout her body. Silver Fox had arranged for Wolverine to be distracted with Cylla while this happened

  • Reiko commits seppoku after realizing what she’s done

  • Jubilee and Yukio short-circuit Cylla who is down but not out

  • Logan stabs Mariko with his claws as a mercy-kill which she requested. A very sad death

  • Sabretooth is chained up in John Wraith’s basement in L.A. where Jubilee, Wolverine, and an aged Weapon X agent named Mastodon are present also. Logan and Sabretooth are surprised when they see Silver Fox arrive, who was contacted by Wraith

  • Silver Fox suggests they all put their differences aside and get to the bottom of their implanted memories

  • Silver Fox doesn’t remember any memories of her and Logan

  • Silver Fox has Dr. Hines in her custody and claims that Abraham Cornelius is dead now along with Thornton

  • Mastodon disintegrates after his age-suppression factor ceases to function. Hines agrees to help the other survivors after witnessing it

  • A kid named Orbette Higgenbottom hacks the NSA’s files and finds codenames linked to Weapon X: Sabretooth, Mastodon, Wolverine, Kestrel (Wraith), Vole, Fox (Silverfox), and Wildcat. It is cross-indexed with another list with the names of Thornton, Cornelius, Hines, and Ferro

  • The group flies to Ferro’s island where he calls himself Il Topo Siciliano aka The Sicilian Mouse and is thought to be Vole

  • They meet Aldo Ferro and his bodyguard Maverick aka David North

  • Ferro is the one who implanted the false memories into everyone and did it because he wants to learn the secret of age suppression from their DNA

  • He is also a telepathic cyborg who calls himself Psi-Borg

  • Hines is scared to death literally when Ferro transforms into a hideous, spiked creature and disappears

  • Prof X and Jean detect Ferro’s presence on an island off Seattle

  • The group learns that Ferro’s spiral base is a labyrinth of supercomputers dedicated to genetic decoding and have been operating for 20 years studying Wolverine’s DNA

  • One of the computers shapeshifts into a tree with Ferro’s face and seemingly swallows Silver Fox. Logan is in anguish

  • The Weapon X group begins destroying Ferro’s computers and his life work to get him to bring Silver Fox back

  • Psi-Borg reveals he worked for Thornton and implanted the memories in each of them using powerful psi-beams and in return Thornton would imbue him with an age-suppressing factor 

  • Psi-Borg confesses that Logan’s good times with Silver Fox in the cabin were real. Only the bad memories were implanted (Sabretooth killing Silver Fox)

  • Psi-Borg mentally commands Sabretooth to finish off Silver Fox for real this time which he does.  The Shiva robot arrives for Ferro and slams him into him by flying straight at him. Ferro and Sabretooth seemingly disappear after Wolverine slashes Sabretooth

  • Wolverine lets his emotions out by fighting against a Sabretooth simulation in the Danger Room and getting into bar fights

  • He is in much grief after losing Mariko and Silver Fox back-to-back

  • Nick Fury and Wraith take Logan and Silver Fox’s body on a quinjet to the cabin where they were lovers, for a proper burial/funeral. Wraith discovered its location which is classified and so had Logan blindfolded while en route. Wraith felt it would be more meaningful there instead of in Salem Center in North Salem

  • Logan buries Silver Fox as he feels peace knowing all their happiness was real and promises to visit her every spring