Ponder the mysteries

Events of 616

The Thanos Quest

  • Thanos looks into the Infinity Well to gain knowledge on how to best serve Death’s wishes

  • Thanos explains to Death about the 6 Soul Gems and gains her permission to set out and obtain them

  • Thanos sets out to find the Elders of the Universe who each possess a gem:

  • From the In-Betweener, who is incarcerated in the Nexus of All Realities by Lord Chaos and Master Order, Thanos gains the Soul Gem which formerly belonged to Adam Warlock

  • From the Champion he gains the Power Gem and strands him on Earth after he destroys his own planet

  • From the Gardener he gains the Time Gem

  • From the Runner he gains the Space Gem after manipulating the Time Gem to age him

  • From the Collector he gains the Reality Gem after trading it for the Runner

  • Lastly, he gains the Mind Gem from the Grandmaster whom he beats at his own game in which all 6 gems were wagered

(End of Thanos Quest)

  • In a post-story, it shows Drax finding Thanos on a random planet but unable to have his vengeance after Thanos gets away by using innocents as collateral who Drax saves