Ponder the mysteries

Events of 616

Road to Civil War

  • Many years ago, just after the Kree-Skrull War, six people meet in Wakanda in a secret meeting and hosted by Black Panther: Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Mr. Fantastic, Professor X, Namor, and Black Bolt

  • Iron Man proposes an idea where all the major groups (X-Men, Avengers, Fantastic Four, Inhumans) come together and fight as one unit and defend Earth 

  • Namor opposes this because he does not see how so many heroes could be controlled 

  • Mr. Fantastic agrees with Namor and Xavier understands Iron Man’s POV of having the public turned against the Avengers akin to mutants

  • Iron Man argues that fighting together would instill trust in mutants but Black Panther argues it would do the opposite and make the public hate the Avengers along with mutants

  • Mr. Fantastic concurs with Iron Man that each of them had pieces of forthcoming knowledge of the Kree-Skrull War which could have been prevented if they met like this before

  • Everyone agrees to having secret meetings when a major crisis presents itself except T’challa. He tells them they will be divided when they don’t agree on something and that it isn’t right to keep this from their close ones

  • The secret group comes together later in time and all but Namor agree to send the Hulk into space because of his unpredictability 

  • One month later, they all convene together again where Iron Man presents to them a draft of the Superhero Registration Act 

  • Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic agree with the act whilst Black Bolt is neutral and Strange and Namor do not agree. Xavier does not vote because he is M.I.A. after the House of M event

  • The Fantastic Four find Mjolnir in Oklahoma which Doctor Doom attempts to lift and take but fails and leaves 

  • Tony Stark gives Peter Parker the Iron Spider suit

  • He offers to hire Peter as his second on condition that he assist Tony with anything and must keep secret what is about to happen

  • Peter agrees and is then told that he and Tony are going to Washington

  • Tony tells Peter on the way there that the hearing he is attending is about the proposed Superhuman Registration Act and intends to change the Senate’s mind 

  • The hearing begins with Senator Whitmore stating that since 1946 and for 50 years superheroes have caused $200 billion in damages

  • Tony rebuffs that the damage done is less than half of what the defense budget costs in present day (2006)

  • Whitmore states that’s not the point and that heroes should be held accountable for their actions akin to doctors, pilots, and taxi drivers to AMA, FAA, and the DMV as examples

  • Peter rebuffs that loved ones would be at risk if heroes revealed their identities

  • Whitmore says that true heroes such as police don’t hide behind masks making them more trustworthy 

  • Peter says that those people aspired to be that while superheroes never asked for or wanted their abilities yet go out of their way to use them for good

  • Whitmore then suggests that it would be easier for heroes to operate and help openly and legally 

  • Stark rebuffs that the Act would turn non-law abiders into criminals. Those that used to be allies into enemies- That same night, after a recess is called, Titanium Man attempts to assassinate Tony as he and Peter are coming out of the courthouse. Spiderman fends him off

  • Revealed that Tony hired Titanium Man as a ploy to convince the Senate to change their minds by stating that unilateral disarmament of superheroes would give villains what they want 

  • As Peter is dozing off watching TV, the news reports the New Warriors and the disaster in Stamford, CT