Ponder the mysteries
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Events of 311

Marvel 1602

  • Queen Elizabeth I is having a serious discussion with Doctor Stephen Strange & Sir Nicholas Fury. Fury is the Queen’s informant and Strange is master of medicines

  • Strange tells Fury that there is possibly a weapon in Jerusalem that could mean the end of Europe or the world that Strange has accepted to protect. The weapon is to be transported to London 

  • Fury tells Strange that he knows The Old Man is supposed to bring it and plans to go to Westminster to meet with a man who can help

  • Fury meets with Matthew Murdoch who he is paying to make sure The Old Man arrives to London safely 

  • Strange goes to his home and wife in Greenwich and consults his mirror. Through astral projection he clairvoyantly sees a young girl and a Native American bodyguard on a voyage at sea; an imprisoned angel; and a priest consulting a nun wearing a red habit who is able to sense Strange and banish him

  • Spanish Grand Inquisitor Enrique plans to form an alliance with King James VI of Scotland when he takes the English throne and convince him that witchbreed (mutants) are monstrosities to be executed

  • The girl that Strange saw in his astral form is Virginia Dare, the first English child born in a New World English colony. She is sailing across the Atlantic with her guard Rojhaz to meet the Queen

  • The angel (Werner) is saved by Scott Somerisle, Roberto Trefusis, and John Grey who are witchbreed like him. They are going to England where they are taking Werner to their master and teacher at a schoolhouse they call Sanctuary

  • Fury writes to the Queen that his attendant, Peter Parquagh will be Virginia Dare’s escort and protector and that he plans to meet with the learned Carlos Javier

  • Fury warns Carlos that the Inquisition and King James are on his tail for breaking Werner the Angel out

  • Murdoch meets with Natasha in Picardy, France and travel together by carriage to rendezvous with the Old Man. Count Otto Von Doom, ruler of Latveria plans to take the weapon/treasure for himself

  • Grand Inquisitor Enrique sends his servant Petros to tell King James he has agreed to an alliance and King James returns a message concerning taking Queen Elizabeth out

  • Carlos uses his mental abilities to deduce that there are 3 assassins in England: one after Fury who has been dealt with and imprisoned, another targeting Virginia, and the third one after the Queen 

  • The Watcher observes this specific universe, as a very powerful storm threatens to rip up the fabric of this reality

  • The Queen orders Strange to watch over Virginia

  • He attempts to diagnose her when she comes down with severe fever after transforming into a giant white griffin after her assassin attempted to kill her while meeting the Queen

  • Fury interrogates and beats his would-be assassin in prison for answers on who sent him. The prisoner answers “Doom” by then which Fury realizes Otto Von Doom had the Queen poisoned

  • Virginia wakes and finds herself in the care of Clea and Stephen Strange 

  • While Strange tells her of everything that’s happened and asks her what she has to do with the strange phenomenon, Fury and Parquagh venture north to Newcastle to meet with King James who prepares to claim the English throne 

  • King James orders Fury to take a regiment to Warwick where Javier’s school is and capture or kill his ‘freaks’ and bring them to London. James warns that if Fury fails, his life is forfeit

  • Natasha knocks Murdock out and lets him fall off a bridge about half a day’s journey away from Trieste, Italy

  • James believes that Enrique was responsible for the Queen’s death and in return promises to hand over the Witchbreed that Fury captures over to him 

  • Parquagh informs Carlos that Fury told him to surrender and not to fight back

  • Virginia tells Strange about the times when she changed into different animals when she was emotionally distressed such as when she changed into a white fawn, lion, and horse. Nobody knows except Rojhaz and now Strange and Clea do

  • Virginia tells him that her father Ananais sent her over to ask the Queen to invest more money in support for more colonization. Then she claims that the strange storms began happening shortly before the first English colonists arrived and spread throughout America and continued for 14 years, now having reached the Old World

  • Natasha meets the Old Man in Trieste and informs him the treasure will be going to Otto Von Doom, not Elizabeth of England, and seemingly kills him

  • Strange meets with Fury near Warwick to inform him Murdoch and the Old Man have been betrayed and the treasure is now in the hands of Doom

  • Fury reaches Warwick where Carlos and his students surrender willingly to him in the hopes they can trust Fury 

  • Murdoch and the Old Man are taken to Latveria to Castle Doom and incarcerated. Doom consults his alchemist prisoner Reed on how the treasure works but he doesn’t know

  • Strange appears by astral projection to the Old Man who tells him that what Doom thinks is the treasure (a golden orb) is a decoy

  • Clea tells Virginia about the Four of the Fantastick who are Captain Benjamin Grimm, Sir Richard Reed, and John and Susan Storm. They are currently thought dead but are incarcerated in Castle Doom

  • Strange, Fury, and Javier, meet in London Tower and discuss treason against the Crown

  • Strange tells Fury that the Four of the Fantastick are alive and well in Doom’s keep

  • Fury suggests having Virginia Dare killed after Strange shares his suspicions that she is the root of the strange phenomenon 

  • Fury tells Parquagh to go home to his aunt and uncle and forget he ever worked for him 

  • Fury places Javier and his witchbreed on the Eagle’s Shadow, a ship which Master Grey makes fly using his telekinetic abilities. They head to Latveria

  • Strange faints and is astrally projected to the moon where Uatu the Watcher has a discussion with him. He tells Strange that he is the one who helped Strange become clairvoyantly aware of the anomaly

  • He continues by explaining that something from just after the dawn of the 21st century will arrive roughly a dozen years ago in this timeline (1590) and cause a rift in time thus threatening to destroy Universe-616 and then other realities 

  • The anomaly is apparently a human being which the Watchers have dubbed the Forerunner. They believe that the arrival of the Forerunner has signaled the age of heroes and marvels. The Watcher implores Stephen to return the Forerunner to his time or destroy him. He also implores him to say none of this to anyone

  • Petros delivers a message to Doom

  • Doom begins attacking Eagle’s Shadow in the sky 

  • Murdoch and the Old Man escape after Captain Grimm helps break their chains. Susan Storm frees her brother John who in turn frees Reed

  • Murdoch takes the Old Man to his cart where he grabs a stick and becomes Thor who single-handedly turns the tide

  • He zaps Doom with a powerful bolt who thought he had a certain victory with the golden orb. His face is scarred

  • Petros declares to Enrique that Strange has been imprisoned and Fury declared a traitor by King James as well as Doomstadt (Castle Doom) falling to Javier’s witchbreed. Someone ratted Strange and Fury out

  • The rat is revealed to be the witchbreed Toad. Inquisitor Enrique, Sister Wanda, and Petros are to be burned at the stake for they are witchbreed as well

  • Revealed that Enrique was born a Jew in Venice and baptized by an overzealous priest into the Catholic church. Also revealed that Enrique was executing Witchbreed whose physical characteristics did not pass off as human

  • Enrique escapes his bonds and breaks Petros’ and Wanda’s chains off using his powers. They take down King James’ men and King James’ fate is uncertain

  • King James beheads Strange and Clea takes it off its spike afterward

  • Master Grey (actually Mistress Grey) dies from exhaustion after her last efforts using her abilities. Werner the Angel watches as John Storm takes her into the sky and lets her fall as Scott Somerisle shoots wide-range beams from his eyes and Werner sees the Phoenix appear briefly before Grey becomes ashes

  • James has Peter Parquagh serve him now and has him follow Fury to the New World

  • Clea confronts Virginia about being the Forerunner and then expresses her doubts. She, Virginia, and Rojhaz are on a voyage to the New World in defiance of James’ order to stay in England

  • Rojhaz is revealed to be Steve Rogers from the future after an experiment involving Purple Man sent him back in time. Clea and Virginia are in shock

  • This Rogers is from Earth-460 in a time where Purple Man had many heroes executed and used his abilities to become POTUS

  • Fury meets with Virginia’s father Ananais and devises a plan to have Ananais pretend his colony of Roanoake has been captured by Javier’s Witchbreed so that James does not suspect any treachery. Fury declares himself governor of Roanoake and the continent of America independent of the English monarchy 

  • Javier and his witchbreed are given sanctuary in Roanaoke and senses 3 ships heading towards them; the ship with Clea, Rojhaz, and Virginia; James’s right-hand man David Banner with Peter Parquagh in the second; and Inquisitor Enrique with Sister Wanda and Petros in the third 

  • Javier resolves to deal with Enrique peacefully as he has Roberto freeze Enrique’s ship and then speaks with him telepathically

  • Virginia’s party meets up with Fury’s party. Clea takes out her husband’s decapitated head which can still communicate

  • He tells Javier, Reed, Fury, and Ananais about the anomaly which arrived in their time in approximately 1587

  • Virginia shows them exactly what they’re looking for

  • They find a ‘peredural’ distortion which resembles the symbol of infinity in an open field. It appears as a small strip of light hovering in mid-air. It supposedly holds the universe as that is what peredural means

  • Murdoch infiltrates James’s ship and threatens him if he kills Fury. Meanwhile, outside Parquagh confronts Fury but does not go through with his order to kill him

  • Javier recruits Enrique because everyone needs his help to manipulate the peredural rift. They then recruit Thor so they can use his galvanic energies (lightning) to close it

  • Fury goes after Rojhaz who refuses to return to his own time because he strongly feels like he can guide and nurture an infant America. Fury beguiles him and knocks him out

  • He takes Rojhaz to the peredural rift where a huge explosion of sound and light occurs

  • The timeline realigns itself 

  • As a reward for Uatu’s interference in warning Strange of the anomaly, the Watchers have preserved the timeline that would have been

  • This reality is known as Earth-311