Analyses by David

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What If Captain America Had Not Fallen Off The Drone Plane? (Volume 1)

  • In 616, Cap had fallen into the ocean and Bucky died from an explosion from a bomb on a drone plane

  • In 982, Cap and Bucky manage to disarm the bomb and fall into the English channel then plan to have the plane salvaged

  • Intending on flying to Germany from England but instead landing in France where the Red Skull is based in a castle, Zemo seeks Red Skull out to report his failure who shoots him for allowing the drone to fall into enemy hands and not killing Cap and Bucky. The weapon places Heinrich Zemo into a sleep for 20-30 years

  • In the 60’s, Bucky and Cap part ways as Bucky goes solo and President Lyndon B. Johnson offers Cap to become Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. since Nick Fury is deceased in this reality. He declines the position as well as membership in the Avengers

  • Bucky Barnes becomes Director at Cap’s suggestion

  • After saving Rick Jones from the Hulk, Bucky becomes Captain America and falls in love with Sharon Carter, Steve Rogers is now Director, and Rick Jones becomes the new Bucky

  • In a throwdown between Hydra and Director Rogers, Bucky, Rick, Sharon, and Dum Dum Dugan in a volcano, Heinrich Zemo shoots Bucky who dies. Heinrich falls into lava

  • A funeral is held for Barnes where Sharon blames Steve for his death

  • Rick speaks to Rogers about taking up the mantle of Captain America again and fighting together as C and B but Cap says we’ll see and the story ends ambiguously