Analyses by David

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Marvel vs DC # 2

  • Tangoes continue to happen (Wolverine and Killer Croc). The stranger who saw the flashing box and continued on is named Axel Asher and finds his way back to it after seeing the Red and Blue Ones in his mind

  • After tracking Lizard for some time, Batman opts to help Nightwing who’s attacked by Gambit. Batman doesn’t want to lose another Robin

  • Wolverine and Gambit hijack the Batmobile and make plans to drive to Westchester to to seek Prof X for answers. Mole Man and his subterraneans have taken over the Batcave

  • The vagabond with the box in the alley is unable to stop it from glowing even brighter and says that the ‘brothers’ have noticed each other

  • The two brothers, who are the very personifications of the Marvel and DC universes, instantly go to war with each other and pit selected heroes from their respective universes against each other to determine which universe will reign supreme while the other is terminated forever

  • The vagabond explains to Axel that everyone in existence has just witnessed this and that he and Axel are lost souls/shards of the Red and Blue Ones 

  • Thanos and Darkseid confront each other as Thor and Shazam pray to Odin and Zeus respectively 

  • People make bets on who will win each duel

  • Ben saves Lois Lane from the Scarecrows of both universes

  • Thor somehow intercepts Shazam’s lightning from reaching him when he transformed back to Billy Batson to get unstuck making Thor the victor

  • Wonder Woman finds Mjolnir which went careening after the blast and picks it up

  • Flash outpaces Quicksilver and Aquaman lands a killer whale on Namor

  • Kingpin buys out the Daily Planet