Analyses by David

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X-Men Masterworks Vol. 6

  • Issues 54-66

  • The Living Pharaoh is after Cyclops’ brother Alex Summers. Cyclops knows Alex is a mutant but Alex does not

  • The Living Pharaoh takes Alex to Egypt where he explains that all pharaohs were mutants and both their abilities are due to cosmic rays. As Alex’s power manifests and waxes, the Pharaoh’s wanes so he takes Alex’s power from him through a machine

  • The Living Pharaoh becomes the Living Monolith and grows in size

  • LM become LP again when Alex blasts out of the machine holding him captive 

  • The X-men leave LP in the desert as he is no longer a threat and search for the runaway Alex who is distraught because of his power

  • The X-men plan to have Lorna locate Alex using Cerebro but notice she’s missing from her apartment 

  • Sentinels are revealed to still be functioning and controlled by Bolivar Trask’s son, Larry. They have Alex and Lorna 

  • Larry’s Sentinels have been improved to adapt to mutant abilities 

  • Trask also takes an X-man (Iceman) and frames him to make a point that all mutants are a menace as well as getting revenge for the death of his father 3 years earlier

  • Alex has been dubbed Havok by Trask after a specialized suit is put on him to manage and control his energy output

  • The Sentinels go after Mesmero and Magneto and Mesmero realizes he was serving a robot Magneto

  • Larry Trask discovers that he himself is a mutant

  • Mutants including Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Toad, Unus, Mastermind, The Blob are all captive 

  • Cyclops defeats the Sentinels by using a loophole in their logic: to go to the source of all mutation and destroy it………which is the sun

  • A man is shown strapped to a machine assumedly drained of his energy and watched by a Dr. Karl Lykos

  • Dr. Lykos origin is revealed: a trip he took to the ‘savage land’ where he attacked by pteranodons then after waking from a coma finds he has a need for life energy. This happened in his youth 

  • He created an electronic apparatus apparatus designed to absorb the life energies of his patients

  • Lykos is a former associate of Xavier’s so the X-men trusted his expertise to help out Alex Summers after the Sentinels incident

  • Using his machine, Lykos takes some of Alex’s energy and transforms into a human-pteranodon/pterodactyl creature, going by Sauron after the Middle-Earth villain of the same name

  • The X-men battle Sauron who has hypnotic and hallucinogenic abilities and uses them to control Angel to flee

  • They figure out that Sauron is Lykos who flees to Antarctica and is followed by his lover Tanya. Unable to face her, Lykos jumps off a cliff

  • All X-men save Angel followed Sauron to the Savage Land where Angel goes after he recovers and is attacked by pteranodons. He’s then found by an old hermit and an animal-man servant named Aphibius 

  • The X-men encounter Ka-Zar again who is on a mission to find out where the ‘strange one’ are coming from

  • He is referring to savage tribespeople whom the hermit has been finding and activating their mutant gene within

  • Angel discovers that ‘The Master’ aka the hermit is really Magneto who has been turning the tribespeoples into mutants for his personal army

  • Once defeated, Magneto’s mutants regress 

  • Shiro Yoshida aka Sunfire is introduced 

  • Xavier has been alive the entire time and never died against Grotesk. Changeling shapeshifted into Xavier and took his place as an act of redemption

  • The X-men and S.H.I.E.L.D. repel the alien species the Z’nox

  • The X-men obtain and use a device designed by Bruce Banner that uses gamma rays to revitalize a comatose Xavier

  • When Warren’s wings manifest, he uses them for heroic purposes and dubs himself the Avenging Angel 

  • At first prideful and wishing only to work alone, Angel eventually joins Cyclops and Iceman after they beckon and becomes the 3rd X-man