Analyses by David

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Wolverine Origins- The Reckoning

  • Logan meets with Nightcrawler in private in San Francisco 

  • Logan recounts his story in Japan about his chapter with Mariko Yashida and Lord Shingen from Wolverine Vol 1 #1-4 and Vol 2 #56

  • Nightcrawler suggests that when Logan had Mariko mercy-killed after being poisoned, it was on her terms instead of his

  • Two weeks ago in SF, Logan and Daken met and discussed a plan which is not revealed

  • In present day, they meet again in Ankara, Turkey

  • Daken tells Logan that Romulus has been to see him a week ago in Paris wanting to know what he and his father were up to. Daken tells Romulus and tells Logan that he told him

  • Wolverine forces Daken to admit he loves Romulus as a father figure, not the fact that he hates Logan. Romulus knows this as well which is how he knows Daken won’t kill him even though he desperately wants to be Romulus

  • Wolverine stabs Daken with the Muramasa who is then taken by ambulance

  • This catches Romulus’ attention who appears in Ankara. He’s intercepted by Skaar

  • Hired Kurds attack the street with military weapons causing a distraction and allowing Romulus to slip away but Daken appears behind him alive and well

  • Daken tells Romulus that Logan plans to expose him as a mutant robbing him of his mystique. Daken decides to help Romulus

  • They fight as Skaar and Romulus tangle and Daken and Wolverine take each other

  • Cloak pulls Logan away from the battle allowing Daken and Romulus to escape. He tells Logan that he is blind in wanting to save a son who does not want to be saved. He knows Wolverine blames himself but tells him it’s no one but Daken’s fault that all this has happened. Daken cannot be trusted and if Logan can’t see that then no one can trust him either

  • Daken stabs Romulus while in Damascus, Syria for satisfaction’s sake and also because he knew he was never meant to succeed Romulus and because Romulus was never really there for him as a father figure 

  • Daken tries to stab Romulus with the muramasa claw embedded in his wrist but Romulus mysteriously vanishes 

  • Romulus is placed at the front gates of the Howlett estate by Cloak where Logan was born and raised

  • Wolverine takes the Muramasa and slashes Romulus’s throat. He actually just imagines it as he does not want it to be that easy 

  • He has Romulus incarcerated in the Darkforce Dimension 

  • Logan walks into the manor grounds alone and introspects and feels his days for retribution for those that’ve wronged him are over. He realizes he was a victim and forgives himself

  • Logan asks Cloak to take him to his son and finds him 2 days later in Budapest where he tells him that Romulus is gone and to stop looking for him

  • A flashback shows Silver Samurai training Wolverine months earlier and teaching him to fight for what he loves, not what he hates

  • The philosophy serves him well as he wears Daken down in their battle. Logan’s Muramasa touches Daken’s muramasa claws and causes an explosive reaction

  • Daken’s arms break as he still has a bone skeleton, whereas Wolverine is fine

  • Daken vows to find Romulus and kill him and Wolverine while being at Wolverine’s mercy

  • Logan cuts off Daken’s muramasa claws and buries them along with the Muramasa in hopes of having saved his son from becoming Romulus 

  • Logan goes to B.C. to rebuild a home from his youth. Nick Fury comes to visit him and tells him it’s his birthday after which he begins having nightmares with Sabretooth in them because of his association with beating Wolverine on every birthday 

  • Other people from his life appear in the nightmares as well such as Daken, and dead former lovers such as Silver Fox, Itsu, and Mariko

  • He stabs Fury in a berserker rage after which he injects him with a healing serum derived from Logan’s DNA during his Weapon X days

  • He learns to let go of his dead lovers after he comes to realize that death is not the only way to remember them 

  • Cloak and Dagger appear and have him face his worst fear which is himself. He comes to terms that he’d been solely focused on how to redeem himself from the past and that his yearning for vengeance against Romulus motivated and fueled him but it’s only what Romulus always wanted. He’s finally learned to move on and feels that he’s in control of his future

  • The next time we will see Romulus is in Sabretooth: Reborn