Analyses by David

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Wolverine Origins 4- Our War

  • Captain America is dead. Logan visits his memorial in the Smithsonian and recalls the first time they met during WWII in Madripoor

  • In ‘41, he and a woman named Seraph were keeping tabs on Wolfgang Von Strucker who was meeting with The Hand after their meeting with Logan and Seraph’s boss dissolved

  • Natasha is involved, by having the task to assassinate the Hand’s jonin (high ninja), gaining her as a new ally and which Logan is completely surprised by

  • After working together in Madripoor, Cap and Natasha depart by plane and Logan is assigned by his manipulator to go to Germany and meet Cap again to see if he can be ‘turned’ and if that fails, to find out if the Super-Soldier serum can be replicated, and if that fails, assassination of the Captain

  • The U.S officially entered the war in December of ‘41 but was already involved unofficially a month before with Operation Blueboy, so called because it involved Captain America along with Bucky and Logan

  • Bucky takes an immediate disliking to Logan and punches him in the face. Logan was supposed to get into Cap’s good graces and become his partner thus getting close enough to kill him 

  • Cap and Bucky are headed to Djerba, an island of Tunisia and ask Logan, who is accompanied by Nick Fury to join them. This is Cap and Bucky’s first introduction to Fury

  • Fury asks what’s in Djerba and Cap tells him it’s classified after which Fury tells him he knows it’s where Strucker is hiding unbeknownst to Hitler that he’s establishing his own paramilitary operation there

  • This grabs Logan’s attention- he knows that Strucker must be a major player of some kind since Logan’s manipulator, ‘Romulus, (first time mentioned by name), did not want him making a deal with The Hand, hence the high-ninja’s decapitation by Natasha, and now that Cap is involved with taking Strucker down, Logan realizes he’s a bigger threat than he thought

  • Cap and Logan follow Bucky into a pre-Hydra establishment where Bucky assassinates who he thinks is Strucker. Fury tells him it is not

  • Logan finds Strucker calmly sitting behind a desk in an office who surprises Logan by telling him Seraph is on the line who tells Logan an agreement has been made between The Hand, Strucker, and Romulus- Logan is ordered to kill Cap and Bucky and return to Madripoor immediately. Strucker is to be protected at all costs

  • Logan betrays Cap and Bucky to Heinrich Zemo knowing they’d have a better chance escaping from him than Logan’s people

  • In the epilogue, an anonymous party hires Deadpool to take Wolverine out