Analyses by David

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Weapon X

  • Logan is abducted by 3 authority figures- a Dr. Hines, a Dr. Abraham Cornelius, and a Professor Andre Thornton

  • They place him in a specialized tank and was chosen for their Weapon X project because of how animalistic he is therefore the perfect soldier

  • Logan is reduced to a feral-like state and his skeleton is infused with adamantium before the scientists see that he possesses protruding claws 

  • He breaks out of his containment and kills a scientist before going unconscious again

  • Having also noticed his rapid regeneration abilities whilst in the tank before he broke out, Thornton explains to Cornelius that Logan is homo superior- a mutant

  • Cornelius devises a mind-control device for Thornton. They are able to view Logan’s mind’s-eye on a screen and horrific images of him in pain and Professor Thornton bloodied up

  • They put him against a pack of wolves which he kills and leave him out in -15 degrees weather to toughen him up

  • The scientists place an apparatus on Logan to control his motor skills including his claws

  • Logan breaks out of their control one day and massacres Thornton’s soldiers as well stabbing Cornelius and cutting off Thornton’s right hand

  • Thornton and Hines flee as Thornton throws Hines onto an exhaust pit as bait for Logan

  • Logan spares Hines and Thornton activates the incinerator thinking Logan is done for who merely sneaks behind Thornton, charred, and slices off his left hand then impales him through the forehead. He’s then incinerated 

  • The entire moment of this massacre was all in Logan’s head as it was a scenario to see who Logan deemed a threat

  • Logan slices the doors to the control room where Hines, Cornelius, and Thornton are and where the story ends leaving their fates ambiguous 

  • In an epilogue, it shows a naked, liberated Logan walking in snow while containing dialogue that occurred not long after Thornton explained to Cornelius that Logan is a mutant but Hine believed wholeheartedly that he is human and not some animal and feels guilty for participating in Weapon X

  • A final image shows Logan’s mind-control device removed and on the floor beside a bloodied hand presumed to belong to one of the scientists