Analyses by David

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Spiderman: The Clone Saga Part 2 (Maximum Clonage)

  • Ben Reilly applies for a lab assistant job at Empire State Hospital and becomes involved with having to stop a group of terrorists known as Shadowforce Alpha who are there to assassinate a bedridden Colonel

  • The Colonel’s bodyguard is burned then falls out a window. He is picked up by the same doctor treating the Colonel and begins quick treatment

  • He is revived with enhancements and helps turn the tide with Scarlet Spider. He is dubbed Strongarm which is a switcharound of his true name Mr. Armstrong

  • After everything settles, unbeknownst to anyone, Lizard makes his way from New Jersey to New York 

  • Ben attends a reception in honor of Dr. Purl’s (the same doctor who Ben now works for) saving Armstrong’s life 

  • Present in the audience is Martha Connors, Curt Connors’ wife which is why Lizard suddenly crashes the party 

  • Dr. Purl was Dr. Connors’ partner in cellular regeneration research which was used in a manner on Armstrong which is another reason why Lizard crashed the reception. Lizard flees

  • The Lizard attacks Dr. Purl at Empire State Hospital where he is diverted and flees again because of Scarlet Spider

  • Armstrong and SS beat him at Central Park zoo and hand him over to authorities. Armstrong then visits Dr. Purl at the hospital at his bedside 

  • Jackal uploads Spidercide with files on Ben Reilly, Peter Parker, Kaine, Jackal, Gwen Stacy, Hobgoblin, Judas Traveller, Venom, Carnage, Lizard, Vulture, Doc Ock, Stunner, Silver Sable, Jonah Jameson, Black Cat, Scrier, and himself

  • He also uploads him with data on Spiderman’s and Scarlet Spider’s equipment including Spiderman’s mask, spider-tracer, web-shooter, equipment belt, and camera as well as Scarlet Spider’s web-shooter, impact webbing, stingers and minidot tracers

  • This next bullet point occurs after Peter’s trial but before the Planet of the Symbiotes and Lizard events: The Parkers receive a call from Seward Trainer who they meet up with so he can tell them good news that their baby will be healthy, however, Seward also has Parker and Reilly test their DNA only to discover that Parker… a clone!!!

  • In denial and angry, Parker attacks Reilly and unintentionally hurts Mary Jane. He runs away

  • During ‘Peter’s trial, Spidercide found his way to Jackal’s lab, presumably being put back together by Scrier. In the present time, Jackal creates a costume for him and tells him to infiltrate Genetech Research Complex in Sayville, Long Island to retrieve an isotope to perfect his Carrion virus. The story comes back full circle as Jackal uploads the files into Spidercide’s mind

  • Spidercide steals the isotope from Genetech prompting personnel to call in the New Warriors who fail

  • Spidercide and Jackal release the pathogen in Springville, Pennsylvania and begin killing people

  • Both Ben and the New Warriors are drawn to PA, the NWs looking for a single specific survivor, and Ben by invitation from Jackal

  • NWs think it was Reilly who stole the isotope. After a fight and a mix up, Spidercide gives the slip, NWs contain the survivor, and make peace with Scarlet Spider. Unbeknownst to them, Spidercide had shapeshifted into a Project Pegasus officer and took the survivor into custody

  • Jackal beats Spiderman on a rooftop fight and offers Peter to join him which Peter accepts, feeling defeated in every way

  • S.W.A.T. and Punisher target Jackal. He takes a few bullets for Peter

  • They go to Jackal’s lab where he’s put in a regenerative tank. Ben arrives to apologize to Peter after following a lead on Jackal. Peter lashes out at him again 

  • Peter leaves as Spidercide arrives and attempts to kill Reilly. Kaine simply watches, wishing for Reilly’s death. He then opens the tank to kill Jackal for tormenting Peter- the perfect clone

  • Scrier appears to Spidercide and reveals who he is. Jackal turns Spidercide on Kaine considering him (Kaine) useless. Kaine leaves feeling betrayed after Jackal told him he could make him perfect. Spidercide imprisons a drugged Ben as Peter lets it happen when he returns

  • Ben is put against about 50 regular Spiderman clones. MJ finds Kaine in her apartment sulking and pondering why Peter gave up his perfect life instead of fighting for it 

  • Kaine explains to her his bitterness towards Reilly for believing him to be the real Parker and not being able to have his life and admiring the real Peter because he is the perfect clone. MJ instills new confidence in him as she tells him his life is no less valuable than anyone else’s. Kaine goes back to help Reilly, no longer harboring ill towards him 

  • The New Warriors discover that the survivor is in the hands of the same one responsible for starting the pathogen and spreading it around Springville and make Spidercide and Jackal their first priority

  • Jackal finds out Spidercide has betrayed him to Scrier and that Scrier removed the degeneration factor. As Spidercide is about to kill Jackal, Kaine saves his life though he does not understand why. Spidercide then impales Kaine through the chest

  • Ben inadvertently knocks Spidercide into an electrical apparatus possibly killing him and knocks out the power allowing the prisoner, now dubbed Helix, to escape

  • A big hassle occurs at the Daily Bugle with Scrier and Reilly trying to stop Jackal from releasing the virus-bomb and Spidercide making attempts on Jackal’s life on Scrier’s behalf

  • Spiderman comes back to his senses and helps Reilly stop Jackal. He falls to his presumed death 

  • Peter re-accepts his life and offers Reilly the mantle of Spiderman to which Ben responds he is unsure which of them should be Spiderman