Analyses by David

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Kree-Skrull War

  • Rick Jones brings Mar-vell back from the Negative Zone and trades places with him by removing the Kree Nega-bands from his wrists

  • Mar-vell breaks into the Baxter Building to use a machine that’ll free Rick Jones from the Negative Zone

  • Jones is freed back to Earth and the Avengers members Vision, Quicksilver, and Scarlet Witch are alerted to the break-in and confront Mar-vell

  • Jones was followed by the Lord of the Negative Zone, Annihilus, but he is sent back by the Avengers. Mar-vell runs and is pursued by the Avengers then brought to Cape Kennedy hospital in Florida after they realize he’d been exposed to radiation of weeks being in the Negative Zone

  • Vision uses his ability to convert solar energy and transfers it to Mar-vell’s body through a medical machine to expel the radiation

  • Ronan the Accuser sends a Kree sentry to find and eliminate Mar-vell for defecting from the Kree and failing to accomplish his mission to destroy Earth for being a potential threat to the Kree

  • The sentry takes off with Mar-vell and Rick Jones relays Mar-vell’s history to the 3 Avengers

  • The Avengers receive a distress call from Goliath (Hawkeye) and are told that Hank Pym has been missing after a mission he and Janet took in the Arctic

  • The Avengers, Rick Jones, Goliath, and Wasp meet in the Arctic and enter a jungle. Goliath is ambushed and put under Ronan’s control and fights the Avengers

  • Hank Pym has been transformed into a monster-like man and kidnaps Janet but does not harm her

  • Ronan explains to the captive Mar-vell that he plans to transform humanity back into primitive-like beings to neutralize them as a threat

  • The Kree sentry defeats Vision and Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) and takes them to Ronan who sees that they are in love

  • Quicksilver and Rick Jones find the Citadel where Ronan and the sentry are and fight them and rescue Vision and Wanda 

  • Ronan receives a call from the Kree that the Skrulls are attacking and leaves Earth. Goliath is unbrainwashed and Pym returns to normal

  • U.S government declares to the nation that the Kree plan to attack Earth and that Mar-vell turn himself in as he is a Kree 

  • Mar-vell initially wants to turn himself in but the Avengers convince him to hide by going with Carol Danvers to a safehouse. The Avengers are summoned to a court trial due to their interactions with Mar-vell 

  • Rick Jones sees a vision of Mar-vell being bound and captured at the safehouse. The trial is adjourned and the Avengers return to HQ

  • Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor arrive and tell the 3 Avengers to depart and disband for aiding Mar-vell into hiding instead of giving him up

  • Vision returns and unexpectedly faints and collapses and Ant-man goes inside him to recuperate him. Vision then explains to him, Cap, Thor, and Iron Man that he and the Maximoffs (Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver), and Goliath were attacked by an enemy who we learn are the Skrulls

  • Carol Danvers was Super-Skrull the entire duration that she had taken Mar-vell to the safehouse. Three other Skrulls impersonated Thor, Cap, and Iron Man who ordered the Avengers to disband

  • When the Avengers were planning to rendezvous with Mar-vell after being disbanded, they were ambushed by the same three aforementioned Skrulls, who at that specific moment, impersonated the Fantastic Four (and are in fact the same first antagonistic Skrulls that appeared in Marvel comics and battled the FF before) and took the Maximoffs as prisoners along with Mar-vell. Vision then alerts the real Iron Man, Cap, and Thor

  • Thor, Iron Man, and Cap defeat the 3 Skrulls

  • Super Skrull manages to take his prisoners to his home planet in the Andromeda Galaxy where he is an exile and has conflict with the Skrull king

  • Skrull king blackmails Mar-vell into telling him how to use the Omni-Wave in order to save the Maximoffs from death

  • On Earth the Avengers (Iron Man, Cap, Thor, Vision, Ant-man) fend off an assault from Craddock (a politician) who sends in Mandroids and defeat them 

  • Triton of the Inhumans seeks the help of the Avengers to pacify Attilan (Inhuman royal city). They find Black Bolt who helps them

  • The Avengers head off to space to the Andromeda galaxy by borrowing a S.H.I.E.L.D. spacecraft from Nick Fury 

  • The Supreme Intelligence (leader of the Kree, combination of the greatest Kree minds), has orchestrated the fates of Rick Jones and Mar-vell from a certain point

  • Craddock was a Skrull

  • Supreme Intelligence awakened latent abilities in Rick Jones which he then uses to transport a group of Golden Age heroes into space and send them along with the Avengers to end the war