Analyses by David

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Infinity Gauntlet

  • Thanos has already gained the Infinity Gems and Infinity Gauntlet from the preceding narrative the Thanos Quest

  • Mephisto is alongside Thanos pretending to be his servant but planning on obtaining all the gems for himself 

  • Thanos begins warping reality to his will and eradicates anybody who he deems a threat

  • Thanos traps the souls of Silver Surfer and Drax the Destroyer inside the Soul Gem where Adam Warlock releases them from

  • Adam Warlock appears to Doctor Strange and implores him to ally with him to stop Thanos. Warlock knows Thanos’ mind as well as understanding the gems

  • Thanos teleports his brother Eros (Starfox) and alleged granddaughter Nebula to witness his reign, glory, and supremacy

  • Warlock gathers many heroes to fight Thanos as a Plan A and gathers the Cosmic Beings as Plan B

  • Thanos deals with the heroes Warlock has gathered one by one: 

  • Namor and She-Hulk are suffocated by space fungi 

  • Wolverine’s skeleton is transformed into rubber

  • Scarlet Witch’s hex power backfires and kills her

  • Cyclops is suffocated by a solid block materialized around his head

  • Vision’s internals are ripped out

  • Cloak is imploded

  • Firelord (Galactus’ herald) and Drax are sent back in time to the Dinosaur Age 

  • Thor (Eric Masterson) is turned into glass and shattered

  • Spiderman is bludgeoned with a rock

  • Nova (Richard Rider) is turned into cubes 

  • Quasar is disintegrated by Thanos’ beam

  • Captain America is backhanded by Thanos

  • Iron Man is beheaded by Thanos’ companion Terraxia

  • Warlock brings the Cosmic Beings into the fray who include: 

  • Galactus

  • Love

  • Hate 

  • Uatu the Watcher

  • 2 Celestials

  • The Stranger

  • Master Order

  • Lord Chaos

  • Kronos the Master of Time

  • Eternity

  • Thanos defeats all the Cosmic beings and incarcerates/immobilizes them in an energetic space cloud

  • Thanos becomes Eternity and his physical body goes comatose

  • Nebula seizes the Gauntlet, banishes Thanos into space, and kills his companion Terraxia

  • Thanos and a handful of heroes are teleported by Warlock and Strange to face Nebula

  • Nebula undoes Thanos’ carnage by reversing time 24 hours thus reviving the Cosmic Beings and the heroes

  • Warlock and Surfer go inside the Soul Gem to disrupt the unity that all the other gems share thus making the Gauntlet inoperable and forcing Nebula to discard it

  • Thanos makes a grab for it again as does Nebula and the rest of the heroes try and stop them

  • Adam Warlock claims ownership of the Gauntlet 

  • Warlock has Thanos placed on a distant planet 2 months in the future alone as retribution